Friday, August 1, 2008

Week Nine

So I haven't posted in awhile and its because I've been super busy with life but I have been keeping up with my weight loss goals.. So far on this journey I have lost 16 pounds, which I am so happy about... I am closer to my goal of losing 55 pounds, but I think I may try to get between 180-190 for my overall goal... It really depends on how I look when I lose these 55.... Until next week...

SW: 255
GW: 200
CW: 239

Week 1: -4
Week 2: -1
Week 3: -0
Week 4:+4
Week 5: -4
Week 6: -2
Week 7: -3
Week 8: -1
Week 9: -5

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Week Seven

No new pic today as I haven't had the time to take one or anything, but I am so happy that I have officially lost 10lbs!!!! This week was a really trying one when I didn't feel like even eating or tracking points and I know that I may have went over some this weekend, but I feel like seeing that 10lb weight loss has inspired me to stay on track if I want to lose this other 45 in a year...

SW: 255lbs
CW: 245lbs
GW: 200lbs

Week 1: -4
Week 2: -1
Week 3: 0
Week 4: +4
Week 5: -4
Week 6: -2
Week 7: -3

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week Six

This picture is from today
So this week has been a fairly good week as I have lost eventhough we had a holiday... I am happy and I am proud to say that I am officially in the 240's!!!! I am interested to see how this week will turn out, but hopefully I am on the right track and can get down to 245 by next week.. I kinda doubt it will happen but I am anxious to hit that 10lb weight loss.. Until next week...
SW: 255lbs
CW: 248lbs
GW: 200lbs
Week 1: -4
Week 2: -1
Week 3: 0
Week 4: +4
Week 5: -4
Week 6: -2

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Week Five

this was a picture from last week
So for the past week I have tried to eat healthy everyday and exercise regularly... I was very happy with this week results in the fact that I had lost all of the weight that I gained while out of town... I also ate out almost the entire weekend, but I did it in moderation... I found myself going out to eat and making sure that I didn't eat my entire meal in one setting... I am happy with myself this week... I also exercised each day except for friday and saturday and sunday... I also drank plenty of water... On to week six with hopes of going into the 240's
SW: 255 lbs.
GW: 200 lbs.
CW: 250 lbs.
Week 1: -4
Week 2: -1
Week 3: 0
Week 4: +4
Week 5: -4

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Little Bit About Me

I've mainly created this journal as a tracker of my thoughts and feelings on my journey to lose weight and become healthier. I also want to feel better about myself in general as well. Well here is my background information...

Name: Jay
Age: 22
Children: One - Jayla age 13 months
Significant Other: Brett age 23
Starting Weight: 255 lbs
Current Weight: 254 lbs (I gained back 4lbs when I went out of town)
Goal Weight: 200lbs
Method of Losing Weight: Weight Watchers and exercising

I will update this journal every week with a current picture... I am currently in Week 5 of my weight loss program and this is how my weight loss went

Week 1: -4
Week 2: -1
Week 3: 0
Week 4: +4